Freebies for you!

Rae Shagalov, M.L.S.,
Certified Trainer

Innovative Educator for 30+ years

Dear Parents, Grandparents,
Educators & Therapists,

Kids going crazy?!
Wish you weren’t yelling?
Would you like to turn off the negativity in your home? 

Is a better relationship with the children in your life on your wishlist?

Awaken the greatness in your children as you build up their inner wealth & cooperation!

In all my years as a parent, grandparent, and educator, the Nurtured Heart Approach is the MOST EFFECTIVE system I’ve ever used. It’s like filling up a shopping cart with all of the wonderful qualities you want your children to have, and planting the seeds of positivity in your child’s inner voice to encourage them to grow in those areas.

I hope it will seriously change your life for the better with your children, grandchildren, and students like it did for me!

Contact me to book an inservice training for your staff or to reserve your spot in our next Nurtured Heart training. We offer  a one session intro class and 3 or 6 session comprehensive trainings. Sign up for our next free intro, Tues. Oct. 27.

Sign up for the 6 Week Session HERE.

Contact me for more info and find out about the next Nurtured Heart training!

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What is the Nurtured Heart Approach?

The Nurtured Heart Approach® (NHA) is a curriculum for relationship. It supports adults in relating to children in ways that guide them to use their intensity successfully and positively. Through the NHA, children come to see their intensity as fuel for greatness, not as a deficit or a handicap.

The Nurtured Heart Approach (NHA) was created by Howard Glasser. Originally developed for working with the most challenging children, the NHA works to awaken the greatness inherent in all children.

Rather than acting out negatively, children begin to act out their greatness – and adults get to experience the joy of being a highly effective agent of change in the lives of children.

How Does the Nurtured Heart Approach Work?

Children get so much more connection and relationship when things are going wrong or threatening to go wrong. Adults tend to be lukewarm or cool when all is well, but as soon as problems arise, we get interested and vocal!

Above all else, children want to connect. They want to feel seen, valued, and appreciated. And if we respond more energetically to them when they’re “being bad” than when they are being neutral or good, they begin to gravitate toward negativity in order to engage the adults in their world. 

The NHA teaches adults how to flip this dynamic upside-down to demonstrate to children that they can’t any longer engage us with any depth in response to negativity.

At the same time, we show them that we are far more interested and ready to connect when things aren’t going wrong.  We learn specific techniques for seeing far more in the “things going right” category than we ever have – and how to talk about them in ways children can truly hear.

We learn to feed the child’s natural desire for adult connection and attention at the appropriate times. The child follows the energy. He or she turns toward his or her own greatness and potential for success like a flower to the sun.

Benefits of the Nurtured Heart Approach

  • Understand the unique dynamics of the “challenging” child
  • End the punitive cycle that reinforces negative behavior
  • Build families and school cultures on authentic connection and trust
  • Improve performance on everything from test scores to chores
  • Shift the child toward using his/her intensity in successful ways
  • Support the child in feeling successful and building Inner Wealth™ – a term we use to describe the child’s inner knowledge of and acceptance of his or her own greatness
  • Potential reduction of reliance on psychiatric medications to control difficult children’s behavior
  • Reduction of risk of children using addictive substances that comes with building inner strength authentically
  • Reduce stress and yelling with new self-coaching skills to reset from inappropriate behavior
  • Implant the wonderful qualities you hope to instill in your child with enriching language of praise that is evidence-based

Who Uses the Nurtured Heart Approach?

The NHA provides a practical method to support parents in making children feel seen, noticed and appreciated for who they are and what they bring to the family. It increases connectedness, decreases family stress, and moves parents out of destructive cycles of increasingly punitive discipline.

The love and deep bond grandparents have with their grandchildren is so special! The NHA gives grandparents a way to verbalize the wonderful qualities they see and want to instill in their grandchildren.

The NHA is specially designed to support teachers in coping with difficult students, helping them to avoid the burnout that has been causing them to leave the profession in record numbers. It equips teachers to provide a rich flow of recognition and clear structure in classrooms, creating dramatic shifts in classroom culture and providing a strongly positive social-emotional framework. Both behavioral and academic success are more attainable for students in a Nurtured Heart classroom.

Mental Health Professionals
Therapists who use NHA in their practices report dramatic, rapid shifts in clients who have not responded to other methodologies. By providing space for
individuals to experience successes in any moment, therapists using the NHA move from a focus on problems to intentional creation of in-the-moment success.

Find Out More!

If you are ready to get the tools and support you need to reduce your stress and bring out the greatness in children, contact me to sign up for the next Nurtured Heart training, for a private consultation, or for a group training for your school or organization.

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About Rae Shagalov

About Rae Shagalov

Certifified Nurtured Hearts Trainer

Rae Shagalov has been a school librarian and innovative educator for 30+ years, bringing out the greatness of children through creative project-based learning, design thinking, and makerspace activities. She is also a creativity coach and consultant, artist, author, and proud Bubby. Please note that she is not a therapist. All training is for informational purposes and not medical advice.

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